Thursday, January 27, 2011


Pagi-pagi lagi aku dah meroyan jem teruk gila kat Federal. Aku rasa 1 KL kot jem pagi ni sbb organiser bodoh mana la buat rehearsal Hari Wilayah pagi2 buta. Aku orang event, aku mmg cukup faham pasal rehearsal tapi here comes to the point that 7.00am-9.00am mmg peak hour org pegi keje, heavy traffic, logik ta kau tutup2 jalan time cenggini?? Rehearsal mmg perlu, tapi buat afta 9 ta bole ke?? Kalau diorang buat afta 9 mesti tade prob, tapi sbb dorg rehears wrong timing sampai kul 10.30 pon still jam lagi.... Menyusahkan org ramai kan. Aku paham diorang na full dress rehearsal timing according to the real event. Tapi Hari Wilayah Selasa kot, perlu ke tutup jalan hari ni?? Tapi hari ni okela, aku lambat stgh jam je. Last week, ader lori simen tumpah kat depan Menara TM, demmm 2jam aku stuck kat federal. Fes time masuk lambat. Jatuh reputasi aku. HAHA. Oke DATELINE pertama was a beautiful success comes with a beautiful eye-bag *blinking eyes. 200 letters out, and aku buat from A-Z. Sekarang kena follow up satu2. PENAT YANG AMAT. Sekian.

Nota Kaki : My mind is too too too busy to think about stupid things & stupid people.TQVM :) Top search keyword for sabyastory adalah ANAK BODOH?? Aku ada penah carut camtu ke??