Thursday, November 15, 2012

Awal Muharram

Salam Maal Hijrah. Selain daripada baca doa awal & akhir tahun setiap tahun, tak banyak yang saya lakukan . Bezanya tahun ni, saya berjaya delete 125 post dari blog ni. Which is a big step for me. It aint easy. But i made it, finally. You have to let go the wrong ones in order to make some space for the right ones to walk in aite? Alhamdulillah Allah lebih tahu. So here goes some pictures during last Eiduladha. Hahaaaa hope its not to late to share the joy :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012


20 October likewise every year its my bornday!!  Less celebration this year, but at the age of 24, what more could i ask for? I am blessed to have my near & dear around. I am more than happy :)))

Nota Kaki : My birthday falls the same as Zulfahmi, the first Malaysian that podium in Motogp. Since i went to the Motogp event on my birthday morning due to working purpose  looking around, i managed to snap photo with Zulfahmi birthday banner. Lame. I know.Haha