Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I used to privatize my blog because of a biyotch psycho stalker that annoys me. Ever since i have been receiving lotsa inquiries from my close friends about the issue. So i came up with a solution to re-private this blog. I love blogging, this is the only medium where i can express my feelings so why should i put barrier to my own self satisfaction due to that LAME ASS!! Plus i dont serve for nuffnang and i dont add people randomly in FB so the only people who have access to this blog are 100% my close friends except not to mention that biyotch psycho stalker. So today, IM BACK!!

My new resolution is to stop swearing. Somehow i cant put this into promise because im in a final year & im totally work under pressure. I have 2 events coming up with 2 big responsibility, and i work under stress. You will not understand how it feels like to be a Marketing Manager to an event when you have to do all the work by yourself and the only thing that the advisor do is to put pressure & tight dateline on you every single second for god sake!! I have 6 other subject to be focus on yet this event itself develop my eye bags like hell. But its okay, Marcus Evans will be much hell so take this as a starter before you enter the working life sabya...

New resolution, behave sabya. I would like to congratulates AYAH!!! You deserves it, because all your hard work pay off. I admire your working spirit, you work around the clock without any complained. I wish i could be as determinant as you...With bigger responsibilities, i know you will be more busy than ever.... It effects mom too, all of sudden she became the president of PUSPANITA.. Haha thats the funniest part when mom is the most inactive member in the society & makes lots of excuses whenever the society calls for activities but suddenly today your promotion automatically make her the president. I laugh my ass off while making sambal belacan with mum just now... I dont wanna tarnished your reputation so i guess i will be more behave from now onwards & reduce swearing :)

Nota kaki : Tak sabar nak tgk ceremony perlantikan ayah kat berita mlm besok. Mesti segak :)


Cutestamoi said...

Congrats to Pak Lang. Alhamdulillah. Murah rezeki.

moze said...

Tak Kluar berita pon?

sabya said...

thanks kema. tulah smlm ayah kata maybe kuar berita mlm ni, tp ceremony under military ni rupanya tertutup, press ta msk. So tv1 n tv3 kuarkan nama je kat highlited news semalam ngan arini.. tataula kua paper ke ta besok..