Thursday, November 3, 2011

If i die young...

Nevermind i'll find someone like you..... Sedapnya laa suara Adele ni... Her voice memang da level-level legend kulit hitam arr.. Selena Gomez, Justin Bibir and all other fake clones can take the back seat. Thanks. Anyways, life has been very very topsy turvy. I had a very traumatic car accident at federal highway during heavy rain on last Monday. I lost control and my car spinned 180 on the busy road. The last thing i know im lucky enough that im still alive. At that point of time, i turned out blank. I tot im dead. And suprisingly nobody crossed my mind. Pathetically not even my mum. I always have a strong instinct that i will die young... If i die young, i hope that i tak menyakitkan hati sesiapa. If i did before, im deeply sorry. And to those who break my heart, i wish you all the best in life. Whatever happen in between, you guys will always have a special place in my heart.


Adit said...

Sedih.... Y la u ckp mcm ni....

LL said...

thank god siti tak apape. heavy rain ni, dah trauma dgn nya. lia dulu, bukak mata tgk dah kat hospital.padahal rasa mcm tak de pape pun jadi masa tu. siti, berhati hati :)