Monday, March 24, 2008


currently im waiting fo my upu result which will be released somewhere in june. my first choice is law, followed by event, hotel and mass-comm. xtaula yg mane satu sangkut. tawakal hu allallah sahaja la

roughly fyi i took stpm last year due to my tak berapa bagus spm result and my kesilapan mengisi borang upu 2 years ago. so i completed stpm fo 1 n a half years. got my result lyke 2 weeks ago. honestly not very happy with the result because i work so hard and having dat kind of result in return is quite dissapointing la tp apapun i shud not take things for granted so syukur alhamdulillah. me xkn amik pusing ape yg org ckp lg, fo me im da one who seat fo the test so saya yg paling jelas how hard it is. honestly stpm sgt susah,no joke ok! ape yg we baca dlm teks book, sume x kuar. soalan sume pelik. some of the esei questions was lyke pelancongan kesihatan, sastera moden, biotek, konsep jihad and da hardest part is we have to wrote the essays not less than 800 words. can u imagine how am i supposed to write about kebaikan nuklear? i tink they shudnt named it as STPM it supposed to be TOOTBE instead which stands for think out of the box exam. so sape yg nk amik stp ni lebey baik pk dua ribu juta tiga ratus poin enam lapan kali. but for me i've neva regret of taking stp, my result mungkin xdela 5A mcm org lain tp can do la utk msk U. jadik ga pernah ada rasa menyesal dalam mengambil langkah ini. 2 yrs ago i can simply entering any college dat i lyke but i took stp instead bcos using parents money to succed is soooo not me.