Monday, March 21, 2011

Yeah, we did it!!

Dato' give me candies & chocolates today. This is lyke sooo weird. Aku paling benci bila orang all of sudden baik dengan aku.Then suddenly one of the exec told me, Tan Sri like the letter & MOH agreed with the e-MediFile proposal. I was lyke, izzit serious for real????? OMG DID WE JUST WON A TENDER??? I did the letter translation and one of the member in the proposal team. And our proposal was accepted by MOH!!! e-MediFile is a concept where all goverment hospitals in Malaysia will use one systematic database where everything will be recorded online to develop a single view access. At the meantime, kalo pegi spital gomen, balik2 tulis kat kad merah, pastu kalau kau accident masuk icu, doctor na check kau punya medical history pon abes kena punggah stor 5 hari 5 malam na cari file pesakit kau. Susah kan?? So now GOODBYE HARD COPY, HELLO SOFT COPY :)

Nota Kaki: In the mood of retail therapy. Been eyeing some shoes, handbags & cute tops lately. And make-up's too!!!! Da berapa bulan ta pakai make up... Sabya na jadi cantik balik :) Here we go, retail therapy!!!