Monday, January 31, 2011
Posted by sabya at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Wedding Bells Journey 3
Posted by sabya at 6:03 AM 3 comments
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Fish & Wedges
Posted by sabya at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: sabya kitchen
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wedding Bells Journey 2
Posted by sabya at 1:59 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Posted by sabya at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Posted by sabya at 4:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 24, 2011
Posted by sabya at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Pencil & Eraser
Pencil: I'm sorry cos U get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a
mistake, U're always there to erase it. But as U make my mistakes
vanish, U lose a part of yourself.U getting smaller
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. U see, I was made to
do this. I was made to help you whenever U do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and U'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad...
Nota kaki: Pensil & Eraser pon pandai menjaga hati. Every friday, my college frens will come to visit me during lunch hour. No matter how rough your life are, at the end of the day your besties will always be there to listen to all your sighs. Thanks to ayu & gemok. Untuk zeti & ana jugak!! Tadi lepas abes keje lepak makan minum petang dengan ely dekat kedai kopi. I love my BFF banyak banyak:)
Posted by sabya at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
Saturday Morning
Dato' yang suka meroyan tu pegi Istanbul seminggu!!!!!!! Tu yang kitorg macam kambing lepas kandang tu. Kejadian baru berlaku pagi tadi. Yang ta bestnyer kitorg hari sabtu kena keje. Yang bestnyer sabtu, lunch expenses comp cover and pakaian bebas. Tu sebab la every saturday kitorg bantai makan mahal. Hehe. Meh aku kenalkan 2 lelaki tu intern jugak, fazly & saiful. Yg cik adik manis tu Hazira, die junior executive tp die lebey selesa kawan ngan ktorg budak praktikal ni dari exec2 yg lain. Anyways pix aku sume bukan lakonan semata sebab aku mmg bz arini. Jeles tgk dorg main2 siap posing haram kat ofis dato' td. Kalau ta, slalu na lalu depan pintu dato' pon menggeletar lutut takut org tua tu nmpk & kne panggil masuk mengadap. Dateline aku anta surat mintak sumbangan Founders Day this week. 200 surat kne out by this wk suma nye corporate company, agency & GLC. Content & address of the letter is different because of the tax exemption category. Target donation, 100k. So tu yg aku stress gile. Kalau korang rasa meja aku serabut, dalam kepala ni tuhan sajalah yang tahu. I got no weekend. TQVM.
Posted by sabya at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wedding Bells Journey
I took lotsa picca through the journey of this wedding bells but i dont intend to show it off here because of the suprised element. FYI this is not their wedding outfit but to kick the hint off this is the theme color of their wedding. We wanna choose a rare combination in the first place but it ended up that our choice coincidently similar to Johor royalties color . Navy Blue & Silver. I even talked to the canopy & decoration team myself on how the chair ribbon should be fold to blend in this color. Small things that counts aite. Noted that families are pleased to wear Silver. TQVM
Posted by sabya at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
One day..
Posted by sabya at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
DATELINE DATELINE DATELINE. Banyaknye kerja... Aku sepatutnya buat proposal je, tapi tiba2 td org tua tu suh aku handle dapatkan Kuota Import (AP) tuk import food items dari Taiwan tu. Then trus tanya aku target brapa tan livestock kita bole import ke sini. GILA. Pastu push2 aku pasal event. Majlis santapan diraja Kelantan bulan 5, nmpk cam lama lagi tp die punye list of things to do, tuhan sajalah yang tau... Sume na jemput, pm la, menteri la, maher zain la.. tu blum termasuk kerabat tok nenek sultan lagi. Oke, sakit hati la sume org abes kontrak praktikal 29 April, aku sorg je yang kne sambung sampai 14 Mei. Sebab event ni 14 Mei. Kira abes je dinner ni, keje aku pon abes la. And yes, skrg tgh serabut pasal Berjaya Founders Day, 26 Feb ni. Ta sempat na review uols tapi aku mmg da start jual kupon la. Target jualan kupon dari dept aku, MYR100,000.00. TQVM. Khamis ni cuti!!!! Yeayy!!! Tapi aku on-call utk meeting dgn AJK Yayasan Kelantan dekat Concorde pukul 4ptg. DEMMIT. TQVM. Mangkuk ayun tu g Turki for about a week starting next week. Pastu da cuti wilayah, pastu CNY. Thank god!!! But still, makin banyak cuti, makin sesak DATELINE. Pengumuman. Aku da link beberapa food blog yg best kat blog aku. Kalau boring bole cuci mata kat blog dorg oke. Confirm terus lapar. Lebih baik cuci mata layan makanan dari layan manusia yang berhati busuk :)
Posted by sabya at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Take time to realizes...
Posted by sabya at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 15, 2011
La La La, Hari hari Kerja....
Posted by sabya at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hari ini....
Posted by sabya at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Dear Diary,
Dear diary, Setengah jam tadah telinga kat bilik dato'. Ta penah kaki aku menggigil jumpa orang and sampai rosak la pen tu aku genggam. Rasa macam na nangis. Oke tahan air mata. 2 event kena tempuh. Both of it aku jaga marketing/promotion & sales. Kau cakap dengan aku macam mane na jual table harga 50k,100k,300k?? Dia tatau abes sume orang kaya kat Mesia ni aku da kol. Semua stesyen tv aku da mintak promo slot. Die cakap aku slow, taley buat sorg. Die suh aku cari kawan, tolong aku untuk 2 projek ni.Nanti comp bagi saguhati dalam 3k. Kelakar ape, elaun aku pon 500 je sebulan cemane die bole bagi assisstant aku 3k?? Tau kira ke ta org tua ni?? Dear diary, aku stress. Sangat stress. Stress keje, stress personal. Aku rindu...... Na pegi nangis kat bucu katil sorg2 la...
Posted by sabya at 5:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The beautifulness of todays date. Went to Puncak Alam dis morning for thesis research. Met the rest of my ex-classmate. Catch-up things. Everyone was doing fine except Mimi. She's having a real trouble with the hotel she do intern with. Pity her. My advisor lecturer debated with my company supervisor. I was stuck in the middle. Listening to the intense phone conversation. Im tired of being a people pleaser. I work 6 days a week,11hrs per day and not to mention my weekend assignment. Cant they tolerate of excusing me meeting my lecturer advisor once a week, half day leave to be exact?? Likewise today, im on leave but still first thing in the morning im settling dato's Citibank Visa & Mastercard prob and going thru Shashi business proposal. I contentedly carry my responsibility day & night but all i need is half day excuse for my research thesis. And this subject carry me 7 credit hour. I hope dato' could understand my situation. I think he would not :( Yes he is :) Heck no :( Argh like wutever :/ Im loving this job. I have the best clique ever. All the kakaks who always back me up whenever dato' is in the bad mood and all the abangs who always protect me like their own baby sister. And not to forget my bunch of fav boys, saiful, fazly, azrul, & helmi. They always RAWK my day!!!! Anyways working life is not that bad ;) Its better to slave down yourself with tones of work than sitting down at one corner and do a pathetic circle. You asked me what went wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around, a tear came down and I whispered to myself, everything is... :'(
Posted by sabya at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Gambar hiasan. Setiap pagi alarm bunyi. Snooze 3x. Macam biasa, the third time baru aku matikan. Dengan mata separuh bukak. Nampak ada msg. Teruja. Nampak sgt da lame tade org msg kau. Baca. Senyum. Aku rindu dia. Tak sangka dia ada masa nak msg kawan lama yang hodoh ni. Mandi. Sarung baju. Siap-siap. 8.15am baru gerak. Teringat masa first day pukul 7am dah kuar rumah. Makin lama makin lambat kau pegi keje. Tapi so far benchmark pukul 9pg punch card ta pernah tersasar. Bangga sekejap. Masuk ofis terus telefon org kelantan lagi untuk follow up. Ada 1 kerabat ni gatal yang amat. Ta kesahla kau tengku ke raja ke apa, kalau bukan sebab keje ta ingin aku na kol kau in the first place. Sumpah mual. Siapkan proposal taiwan. Shashi puji. Lega, ta sia2 ta tdo semalaman. Round applause untuk diri sendiri. Call director Hello On Two mintak slot. Translate eng document lagi. Aku dah macam walking dictionary kat sini. Pegi lunch. Sumenye smoking. Pening. Satu meja 5 org laki smoke, aku tukang sedut asap je. Ini kalau aku kne kanser paru-paru memang aku saman sekoq2. Oke mamat tu sume da menyampah dengar aku berleter. Diam. Balas msg pagi td. Die reply laju. Senyum. Ta sangka die ader international prepaid. Masuk keje balik. Fazly asyik kacau aku buat keje. Pastu abg faizul tease die "tangan tu jauh sikit fazly, tangan tu jauh sikit.." Khairul pulak ckp, "fazly kalau dah jumpa pompuan, ta ingat kawan". Mengeluh sekejap. Dari dulu aku kalau kawan ngan laki single mesti kne bahan gosip liar. Dari zaman sekolah. Cukup lali. Tadi kitorg download lagu ana rafalli. Dan-dan semangat AJL. Dasyat arr company ni, 4shared pon die filtered, si fazly ni ajar aku camne na bkk. Banyak step. Malas. Tapi sumpah internet sini laju. Download movie pon aku rasa masak megi lagi lama.Mmg terbaik. Tapi step untuk access filtered web ni yang leceh. jadi malas. Aku dapat cuti esok. Jumpa advisor research. Ingat merdeka. Tiba before balik dapat lagi 1 projek. MEMANG DENGKI TAU DIORANG NIH. Proposal starbucks nak bukak first drive thru outlet die kat Malaysia. Menarik bukan?? Tapi nak make the dreams come true, akulah yang azab. Tadi ader bekas intern datang melawat. Baru grad thn lepas. Die tgh tunggu kwn so ktorg borak jap. Die cite, untung kerja ngan berjaya ni, kalau keluar LAKU. Wallahualam aku harap betul lah kan. Die kate dulu pas abes intern kuar dari Berjaya je, 20 offer die dapat. Aku tanya die keje ape skrg. Die ckp Sales Manager kat GSC. Tumpang bangga wpun aku ta kenal die. Esok dato' masuk ofis. Dah 4 hari die kat Macau. Oke lega esok aku cuti. Tapi hari2 mendatang ni tadah telinga jela. Sumpah die kuat berleter. Shashi bagi aku 1 business proposal suruh tolong check kalau ade yg salah. Pelik aku, sapa exec skarang, die ke aku?? Kenapa aku yang kena check keja die?? Die kata proposal aku bagus. Aku rasa aku hentam je. Frankly speaking aku ta penah blaja buat proposal secara formal. Cuma masa form6 kita blaja buat bisnes proposal secara theory. Tahla, die insisted so aku bawak balik jela check kat ruma. Macam biasa dorg ajak aku lepak2 dulu before balik. Aku dah, wth korang ta penat ke???? Hari2 balik malam, ta paham aku mcmane dorg larat na lepak minum lagi. Aku kalau bole ta sabar na balik peluk pingu & katil. Dorg bole bersosial lagi.. Fazly kate sume org da start suke aku. Yela sebab aku buat keje macam org tade life. Siang malam, 7 hari seminggu. Aku cakap aku mmg tade life. Kerja tulah hidup aku. Dato' offer gaji basic 3k kalau aku dpt absorb afta internship. Dalam dilema aku termenung panjang...... Inilah yang aku na selama ni, keje bagus, gaji banyak,rumah, kereta, shopping... Aku ada semua... tapi kenapa jauh didalam aku rasa kosong...
Posted by sabya at 6:13 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What goes around, comes around...
Posted by sabya at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Minggu Pertama...
Posted by sabya at 1:45 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
First day of internship...
Sabya Ismail
Posted by sabya at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Posted by sabya at 12:16 AM 2 comments