Monday, November 22, 2010

This is for you, Nik Ili Aifaa!!

Went out with my bunch of feveret GFF's today. Eat & movie before i fly. Everything was exciting and the foremost i would say that Ely baked me cupcakes and packed it a day before i depart to Paris!!! I almost burst into tears. She is sooo sweet innit?? I know!!! :) Tqvm ely. I love you many many :) Currently in a process of packing. My flight is tomorrow nite. But i might drop by for another GFF's gathering tomorrow. Today was hilarious. I went to the money changer to convert my own pocket money. I bring exactly MYR100 bcos thats the only cash dat i have. With an annoying face, the guy said, "Sorry we dont have small change for Euro's". So i was like "how much i will get with this MYR100?". The guy start to tic tac his calculator and show me the numbers. I make a "gulp!" sound. Stated 23.4511. Oke forget it. Kalau setakat dapat 23euro je, baik aku pg Times Square beli 7 pasang baju dgn MYR100 tu. Mood: Pissed Off. Jangan tanya apa aku shopping kat sana balik nanti. Double pissed off.


naimanuar said...

alahai sabya...sgt kelakar ok!