Saturday, June 19, 2010

35 Years Of Symphony

35 Years Of Symphony is an event organised by my mum's school. It was a girl school which is infamous with their band (pancaragam) & the top ranker of the best school band in Selangor. Yesterday they organised the 2hrs concert with the MYR10 fee, and suprisingly the MBPJ hall was extremely full house!! It is something to be impressed about for a school event to gain such success. C'mon Spectrum, undergraduates should do much better!! As the principal daughter I was forced to go, okay not exactly. Showing full support would be the best reason why the whole family was there last night. We are soo proud of you mum :) The selection of songs was not bad & i love the team spirit. Im no good in music notes but i dont spot any glitches, its just GREAT. Crowds are craving for more & more until the show finished late than it supposed to just to fulfilled the audience request, cant u imagined that?? Congrats TP girls :)

Nota kaki: Pix yang terakhir adalah sgmk's BFF, hafiz & nazrin who tag us along. Dorang ni kalo part na g event girls school kemain laju je na ikot, kalo kak sabya ajak teman tolong angkat brg liat je kan.. sanggup melengkar kat uma makan, main game, tgk tv, main bola, buat sepah. Pastu aku yg kne kemas!! Tapi kak sabya tetap syg korg sbb korang je yg slalu abeskan sume mknn yg kak sabya masak tanpa sebarang komplen :)