Yesterday was lyke my first time tasting my boyf cooking. His mom does not feeling very well since last few days maybe cause by his bro hectic wedding. So on yesterday, friday evening after my mandarin class, i came to visit. I saw his mom lay down on the couch. So then he ask me "syg da makan?" Me answered, "tadi bli bihun tapi ta sedap, i buang ". Then he said "Jom la makan, i masak arini". I was lyke "serious...... tpula.." Heading to dapur i saw lauk sardin n ikan cencaru goreng. Me, "u masak ni?" "Yela.." he said... I was kinda ragu-ragu bcos the sardin looks soo yummylicious. You know sardin is kinda of cheap food that can turn out soo bad and can turn out soo heaven depends on the cooks..
As far as im concern he cant cook. Before we ate, dengan nada manja "syg, tlg buat sotong goreng tepung..." he seriously did bought the calamari n kentucky flour for me to fried.. sabo jela.. After fried for a second, we ate. The sardin looks yummy but i still ragu-ragu, dlm ati mesti ta sedap, cik niazha masak megi pon tatau. The rice was ok.. thou he told me before that he dont know how to cook rice.. mase duk uma bujang tyme study dlu pon ari2 mkn kedai.
I taste the sardin... and turn out sedap gile! Cukup la manis, pedas, masam , manis, bawangnyer, siap ader belimbing besi lagi.. tapi aku control macho jela, when he asked i was lyke, hurm ok ok je.. After his newphew came back from school, aku korek rahsia la.. "Syami btul ke cik jiji yg msk sardin ni?" syami said "a'ah.... sedap.." i was lyke "tpula.." then syami "btul cik jiji msk sedap, smlm pon die msk"
Long sigh... mamat ni pandai msk rupanya.. patutla he cant stop complaining everytime we dine in at every single restaurant... Baguslah, pasni cik jiji masak hari-hari ok? Teringat mase the first time he taste my cook, "spagetti bolognese" wif flashy eyes he said "its rare to find girls who can cook nowadays...." Btul la ckp org, we will never stop knowing our spouse. Orang yang da kawen bertahun kawen pon blum tentu knal pasangan die and through the years still masih expore perangai pasangan masing2. I learn new things bout him today :)
Neway dis week sgt happeeee. Asaimen IMS yg pake software Macromedia Directortu da ciap!. Na tau betape complicatednyer software ni cubelaa try...Seyes ta tdo 2 mlm buat. And the end result was superb. I know i can do better, its just the lack of time ditambah ngan pendrive dirasuk virus, which makes i have to start all over again. We have to choose a place and do a tourism commercial for 7 mins. Again silakan bkk Macromedia Director kalo na tau betape complicated prosesnya.. na wat seminit pon mkn sejam kalau na yg berkualiti tinggi la. And guess what, im proudly choose MUAR wif a zapin background music. Alhamdulillah it turn out so well during the presentation. Another good news, I got highest in a Marketing test with the two combined class! my HR paper turn out so well... And i managed to answer fluently in mandarin oral test. Ta sia2 aku bersengkang mata. Seriously im gonna hit da track this sem! DL DL DL DL. Insyallah. Wish me luck!
*love makes me a better person. counting the days.. 3 days to go :)
Berries Tart..New Produk & New Resepi
9 years ago
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